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Story 3 - From the headteacher's perspective


"Hi, my name is David and I am a headteacher at a local school. I received a call from PAS who introduced their service to me and the lead SENCO. Following the presentation, I thought about a few families and how they could benefit from the service.


After exploring the school budget and noticing the pupil premium grant (PPG), I was able to identify the service as social, emotional, mental health (SEMH) support and requested more information from PAS directly.


After exploring the budget, I arranged a meeting with a PAS manager and went through the contract. I explored the two packages, drip-feed and drip-feed plus and chose the former for £8,000 per academic year.


PAS and I discussed the families who could benefit from the service and I referred them through immediately.


The referral process was very simple: I sent a brief email to PAS explaining the situations and during their weekly supervision panel, they allocated a worker to each family. All families receive a bespoke personalised plan that offers unconditional support."


*All of the names have been changed to protect identities.

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